Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday,26th January 2014
Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops - Memorial
Bl. José Gabriel Brochero

Bishops and Disciples of St. Paul
(1st century)

        St. Timothy was a convert of St. Paul. He was born at Lystra in Asia Minor. His mother was a Jewess, but his father was a pagan; and though Timothy had read the Scriptures from his childhood, he had not been circumcised as a Jew. On the arrival of St. Paul at Lystra the youthful Timothy, with his mother and grandmother, eagerly embraced the faith.

           Seven years later, when the Apostle again visited the country, the boy had grown into manhood, while his good heart, his austerities and zeal had won the esteem of all around him; and holy men were prophesying great things of the fervent youth. St. Paul at once saw his fitness for the work of an evangelist. Timothy was forthwith ordained, and from that time became the constant and much-beloved fellow-worker of the Apostle.

           In company with St. Paul he visited the cities of Asia Minor and Greece-at one time hastening on in front as a trusted messenger, at another lingering behind to confirm in the faith some recently founded church. Finally, he was made the first Bishop of Ephesus; and here he received the two epistles which bear his name, the first written from Macedonia and the second from Rome, in which St. Paul from his prison gives vent to his longing desire to see his "dearly beloved son," if possible, once more before his death. St. Timothy himself not many years after the death of St. Paul, won his martyr's crown at Ephesus. As a child Timothy delighted in reading the sacred books, and to his last hour he would remember the parting words of his spiritual father, "Attende lectioni-Apply thyself to reading."


            St. Titus was a convert from heathenism, a disciple of St. Paul, one of the chosen companions of the Apostles in his journey to the Council of Jerusalem, and his fellow-laborers in many apostolic missions.

                  From the Second Epistle which St. Paul sent by the hand of Titus to the Corinthians we gain an insight into his character and understand the, strong affection which his master bore him. Titus had been commissioned to carry out a twofold office needing much firmness, discretion, and charity. He was to be the bearer of a severe rebuke to the Corinthians, who were giving scandal and were wavering in their faith; and at the same time he was to put their charity to a further test by calling upon them for abundant alms for the church at Jerusalem. St. Paul meanwhile was anxiously awaiting the result. At Troas he writes, "I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus, my brother." He set sail to Macedonia. Here at last Titus brought the good news. His success had been complete. He reported the sorrow, the zeal, the generosity of the Christians, till the Apostle could not contain his joy, and sent back to them his faithful messenger with the letter of comfort from which we have quoted. Titus was finally left as a bishop in Crete, and here he, in turn, received the epistle which bears his name, and here at last he died in peace.

               The mission of Titus to Corinth shows us how well the disciple caught the spirit of his master. He knew how to be firm and to inspire respect. The Corinthians, we are told, "received him with fear and trembling." He was patient and painstaking. St. Paul "gave thanks to God, Who had put such carefulness for them in the heart of Titus." And these gifts were enhanced by a quickness to detect and call out all that was good in others, and by a joyousness which overflowed upon the spirit of St. Paul himself, who "abundantly rejoiced in the joy of Titus."
Lives of the Saints, by Alban Butler, Benziger Bros. ed. [1894] 

"God our Father,you gave your saints Timothy and Titusthe courage and wisdom of the apostoles:may their prayers help us to live holy livesand lead us to heaven, our home."

Priest (1840 - 1914)

José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero was born on the outskirts of Santa Rosa de Rio Primero, Cordoba, on March 16, 1840. He was the fourth of 10 children, who lived from their father’s rural work. He grew up in a profoundly Christian family. Two of his sisters were nuns of the Garden of Olives. 

Having entered the College Seminary of Our Lady of Loreto on March 5, 1856, he was ordained a priest on Nov. 4, 1866. As an assistant in the pastoral tasks of the Cathedral of Cordoba, he carried out his priestly ministry during the cholera epidemic that devastated the city. Being Prefect of Studies of the Major Seminary, he received the title of Master in Philosophy from the University of Cordoba. 

At the end of 1869 he took on the extensive parish of Saint Albert of 4,336 square kilometers (1,675 square miles), with just over 10,000 inhabitants who lived in distant places with no roads or schools, cutoff by the Great Highlands of more than 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) of altitude. The moral state and material indigence of its inhabitants was lamentable. However, Brochero’s apostolic heart was not discouraged, but from that moment on he dedicated his whole life not only to bring the Gospel to the inhabitants but to educate and promote them. The year after arriving, he began to take men and women to Cordoba to do the Spiritual Exercises. It took three days on the back of a mule to cover the 200 kilometers (125 miles), in caravans that often exceeded 500 people. More than once they were surprised by strong snow storms. On returning, after nine days in silence, prayer and penance, his faithful began to change their lives, following the Gospel and working for the economic development of the region. 

In 1875, with the help of his faithful, he began the building of the Houses of Exercises of the then Villa del Transito (locality that today is named after him). It was inaugurated in 1877 with groups that exceeded 700 people, a total of more than 40,000 going through it during his parish ministry. As a complement, he built the House for women religious, the Girls’ School and the residence for priests. With his faithful he built more than 200 kilometers of roads and several churches. He founded villages and was concerned about the education of all. He requested and obtained from the authorities courier posts, post offices and telegraphic posts. He planned the rail network that would go through the Valley of Traslasierra joining Villa Dolores and Soto to bring the beloved highlanders out of the poverty in which they found themselves, “abandoned by all but not by God,” as he said. 

He preached the Gospel, using the language of his faithful to make it comprehensible to his listeners. He celebrated the sacraments, always carrying what was necessary for the Mass on the back of his mule. No sick person was left without the sacraments, as neither the rain nor the cold stopped him. “Woe if the devil is going to rob a soul from me,” he said. He gave himself totally to all, especially the poor and the estranged, whom he sought diligently to bring them close to God. A few days after his death, the Catholic newspaper of Cordoba wrote: “It is known that Father Brochero contracted the sickness that took him to his tomb, because he visited at length and embraced an abandoned leper of the area.” Because of his illness, he gave up the parish, living a few years with his sisters in his native village. However, responding to the request of his former faithful, he returned to his House of Villa del Transito, dying leprous and blind on Jan. 26, 1914.
José Gabriel Brochero was beatified in September 2013 by Pope Francis.  

  • Book of Isaiah 8:23.9:1-3. 
  • Psalms 27(26):1.4.13-14. 
  • First Letter to the Corinthians 1:10-13.17. 
  • Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 4:12-23. 

The Holy Mass will be celebrated by bishop c. Raphael Zimer at 
12:00 PM SLT in Saint Francis Cathedral

May God be with You all.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Congratulations for Archdiocese of Worksan

23 January 2014

Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Dear Eminence Stephen and Reverend Monsignor Philip Mason

We would like to congratulate to R. Monsignor Philip Mason for receiving the role of auxiliary bishop of Archdiocese of Worksan. It is such a joy for all of us here, in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese. On receipt of the official news, our hearts filled great joy. Once again we experience the grace of God by welcoming a new member of the Second Life Episcopate. There are so many sheep that are looking for a shepherd. The role of auxiliary bishop is a very responsible role, difficult, with many obstacles to overcome. In deep prayer, asking God for strength for both of you - for Eminence Byers and Monsignor Mason. Only cooperation gives the fruit awaited by Christ.
We will be very honored to pray together during the celebration of the Episcopal Consecration liturgy, on 22nd Februrary 2014. May God be with You.
Signed by

Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Latin Mass (Tridentine Mass) by F. Hyacinthe + blessing ceremony by bp Raphael Zimer

and short add for 21 January 2014, Tuesday

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

We would like to invite you to take part in Mass (St. Agnes is the Saint of the day), which will be celebrated by Father Hyacinthe Luynes in Saint Francis Cathedral on 21 January 2014 at 01:00 PM SLT. The Mass will be held in Latin language in Extraordinary Form of Roman Rite (Tridentine Mass). Let's enjoy the simple majesty of Latin Mass in deep prayer to our Lord.

You can learn more by reading our documents which are on the top of this blog - "The Mass in Second Life (Roman&Trident)" (scroll down to read about Trident Mass).

We hope to see you on the service.

Short add: On 21 January 2014, after the Mass, at 02:00 PM SLT will be held the blessing ceremony before wedding. The doors to Cathedral are normally open for visitors. The blessing ceremony will be lead by Cardinal Bishop Raphael Zimer with Cardinal Danieli Cuttita. We hope to see you as well.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Welcome Father Runner

16 January 2014
Welcome Father Runner

We have a joy to announce you a great news. We welcome to our diocese Father Pie Runner. Father will provide pastoral care as Pastor Priest in City of Detroit Parish. 

We wish Father to receive as much God blessings as it is possible. May God light the good way for Father Runner!

Signed by
Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

City of Detriot Parish - Decree "Quod Spiritus in nobis"

16 January 2014

Quod Spiritus in nobis

         I, Raphael Zimer, Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese, establishes a new parish by decree "Quod Spiritus in nobis" of 16 January Anno Domini MMXIV. The parish will be named City of Detrioit Parish with All Saints Church. The parish is located in City of Detroit Urban RP territory. The new parish will provide pastoral care to them, who residing the territory of Detroit.
City of Detroit Parish is the part of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese.
This decree is effective January 16, 2014. Amen.
+ Raphael Zimer
Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Welcome Father Luynes

15 January 2014
Welcome Father Luynes

We would like to officialy welcome Father Hyacinthe Luynes in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese. Father will held the role of diocesan Vicar and Master of the Ceremonies in Trident Rite.

 "I've been a Catholic priest and cleric in Second Life since November of 2012, when I joined the Royal Chapel of Versailles in SL as an Abbé. During my time at the Royal Chapel, I transcribed the Tridentine Rite for use in Second Life and presided over the efforts to hold the first Pontifical High Mass in Second Life. In May of 2013 I became the Orphanage Father at the Alexanderplatz Orphanage in the 1920s Berlin Project in Second Life, where I play an essential pastoral role alongside the Reverend Mother Stephen in the upkeep of the orphanage, which serves as a home for the orphans of Berlin. I also serve as a priest at Father Cuthbert Helendale's parish in Berlin which is under the jurisdiction of the Prince-Episcopal Delegation for Brandenburg and Pomerania. My expertise is in the Tridentine Rite and Church history."
F. Hyacinthe Luynes 

We would like to wish all the best for our Father, a lot of Lord blessings, power to peach the word of God.

Signed by
Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pastoral visits time

13 January 2014

Dear parishioners!

Time of pastoral visits has come. We have finished Christmas liturgical time, since today we are open for your invitations to your Second Life homes. If you would like to welcome the priest for pastoral visit, please IM to us in-world. We will bring, with great pleasure, the word of God to your home. During the pastoral visit we will pray together in your home, read fragment of the Scripture. Everybody, who will welcome us, will receive special image about the pastoral visit.

Each meeting will be determined individually. 

God bless You!

First Month Anniversary of the founding of the Diocese

First Month Anniversary of the founding of the Diocese

Beloved in Jesus Christ brothers and sisters! On 13th January 2014 we are celebrating First Month Anniversary of the founding of the Diocese. We would like to welcome you, from whole our hearts, to Thanksgiving Liturgy, which will be perform on 13th January 2014 (tomorrow) at Saint Francis Cathedral at 01:00 PM SLT. Let's celebrate and thanks to God for this possibility - it is God's will.

May God bless You!
Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese clergy staff

The Baptism of the Lord

Sunday, 12nd January 2014
Feast of the Church

Jesus' public life begins with his baptism by John in the Jordan.

John preaches "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins". A crowd of sinners - tax collectors and soldiers, Pharisees and Sadducees, and prostitutes - come to be baptized by him. "Then Jesus appears." the Baptist hesitates, but Jesus insists and receives baptism. Then the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, comes upon Jesus and a voice from heaven proclaims, "This is my beloved Son." This is the manifestation ("Epiphany") of Jesus as Messiah of Israel and Son of God.

The baptism of Jesus is on his part the acceptance and inauguration of his mission as God's suffering Servant. He allows himself to be numbered among sinners; he is already "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world". Already he is anticipating the "baptism" of his bloody death. Already he is coming to "fulfil all righteousness", that is, he is submitting himself entirely to his Father's will: out of love he consents to this baptism of death for the remission of our sins. The Father's voice responds to the Son's acceptance, proclaiming his entire delight in his Son. The Spirit whom Jesus possessed in fullness from his conception comes to "rest on him". Jesus will be the source of the Spirit for all mankind. At his baptism "the heavens were opened" - the heavens that Adam's sin had closed - and the waters were sanctified by the descent of Jesus and the Spirit, a prelude to the new creation.

Through Baptism the Christian is sacramentally assimilated to Jesus, who in his own baptism anticipates his death and resurrection. the Christian must enter into this mystery of humble self-abasement and repentance, go down into the water with Jesus in order to rise with him, be reborn of water and the Spirit so as to become the Father's beloved son in the Son and "walk in newness of life":

Let us be buried with Christ by Baptism to rise with him; let us go down with him to be raised with him; and let us rise with him to be glorified with him. (St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 40, 9: PG 36, 369)

 Everything that happened to Christ lets us know that, after the bath of water, the Holy Spirit swoops down upon us from high heaven and that, adopted by the Father's voice, we become sons of God.(St. Hilary of Poitiers, In Matth. 2, 5: PL 9, 927)
Catechism of the Catholic Church, § 535-537

  • Book of Isaiah 42:1-4.6-7.
  • Psalms 29(28):1-2.3-4.9-10.
  • Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38.
  • Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 3:13-17.

The Holy Mass will be celebrated by bishop c. Raphael Zimer at 
12:00 PM SLT in Saint Francis Cathedral

Friday, January 10, 2014

Saturday after Epiphany, Mass in French

Dear beloved in Jesus Christ Brothers and Sisters!

St. Theodosius, The Cenobiarch (423-529)

Tomorrow, on 11st January is Saturday after Epiphany. Eminence Danieli Cuttita will celebrate Mass in French language in Saint Francis Cathedral. The service begins at 09:00 AM SLT (18:00 Paris time).

You are all most welcome! TELEPORT

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Welcome Eminence Cuttita

08th January 2014
Welcome Eminence Cuttita

We would like to inform, that we are happy to welcome His Eminence Cardinal Danieli Cuttita. 

Eminence Cuttita is French clergy, who is also a member of Catholicae Ecclesiae SL group. His Eminence will stay with is, in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese, as a Cardinal Resident. Cardinal Danieli will perform Mass in French language every Saturday afternoon.

We would like to wish to His Eminence a lot of God blessings and power to fullfill the pastoral duties.

Signed by
Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Confession in Second Life

Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese
Version specially prepared for Second Life

In remind: we do NOT perform any sacrament. Please carefully read the description of The Confession in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese.


Confession in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese should not be understand by people in such a way that it is understood in the real life.
In terms of real life, it is a sacrament, here in SL, but we do not perform any sacrament in Second Life, we did not and will not.
Therefore, I created a kind of "virtual confession" in our diocese, which is not a sacrament and the name "Confession" in sense of virtual world, should be understood in the context of a "very frank conversation".

How it looks here, in St. Francis Diocese?

In the cathedral are set normally looking confessionals. Inside sits the priest, dressed in a white surplice and purple stole - as we know from real life. Faithful, who needs help, kneels on the left or right side of the confessional - as in real life. At this point, the priest writes to him on the IM and starts conversation. There is no any established type or form of conversation, it is going by its own.
During this personal, intimate meeting, you can tell the priest about everything that is bothering your soul. This conversation is like talking with the psychologist, in the context of God. There are no topics on which you can not ask the priest - it is your time, your personal conversation with person, who is able to help you. The priest is obliged to keep everything in strict confidence.

This can be compared to a normal conversation. After all, anyone can write to the priest every time, why not... But here we put our idea.
The conversation does not finish on words only.
Priest is obligated to receive the Holy Communion in RL, in the intention of person, with who he had "virtual confession". It is the most beautiful gift what we, catholics, can do.

Deep conversation in virtual confessional - why?

The reason has psychological and educational sense. We are using virtual confessional to associate the RL confessional as a place, where you can always find help. We would like to show you that confession and confessional in RL is a good place, the doors to freedom in God. It is also good way for prepare for confession in RL. We are your assistants.

In the end - every virtual confession has fruits in REAL LIFE. Every virtual confession ends with receiving Holy Communion in RL in your intention, in your problems intention.

To say it in easy in relaxed way - after our virtual confession (deep conversation), I am going to my RL church and receive Holy Communion in your intention.
In the virtual confession you do not receive absolution - please remember. We do not make any sacraments.

If you need confession, need to talk - write the IM to online priest - we have always time for you.
Every priest will write to you after receiving Holy Communion in your intention in RL, for example "I received Holy Communion in your intention one hour ago, during Sunday Mass in my church" - to let you know.

If you would like to make the "confession", but you found that confessional is empty, please contact with us - our priest will come. If every priest will be offline - he will respond as soon as he login.

We hope to see You.
God bless You.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Pictures gallery from the Sunday Mass, 05/01/2014

Pictures gallery from the Sunday Mass
05th January 2014

Thank you so much for coming. You have donated L$ 1582 for new chapel building.
The results will be announced soon.

God bless You!

The Epiphany of the Lord

Sunday, 5th January 2014

The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men (magi) from the East, together with his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee.

In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring pagan religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the Incarnation. the magi's coming to Jerusalem in order to pay homage to the king of the Jews shows that they seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the star of David, the one who will be king of the nations.

Their coming means that pagans can discover Jesus and worship him as Son of God and Saviour of the world only by turning towards the Jews and receiving from them the messianic promise as contained in the Old Testament. The Epiphany shows that "the full number of the nations" now takes its "place in the family of the patriarchs"(St. Leo the Great, Sermo 3 in epiphania Domini) and "acquires Israelitica dignitas" (Roman Missal, Easter Vigil, Prayer after the third reading) is made "worthy of the heritage of Israel".
Catechism of the Catholic Church, § 528

  • Book of Isaiah 60:1-6. 
  • Psalms 72(71):1-2.7-8.10-11.12-13. 
  • Letter to the Ephesians 3:2-3a.5-6. 
  • Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 2:1-12. 
The Holy Mass will be celebrated by bishop c. Raphael Zimer at 
12:00 PM SLT in Saint Francis Cathedral

You are all most welcome. God bless You.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Clergy Recruitment; Anno Domini MMXIV

Anno Domini MMXIV

His Eminence c. bp Raphael Zimer has opened the recruitment to the clergy group in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese.

Main requirements for the candidates:
- male only
- minimum 18 years old age
- uninterested to any relationship (in meaning of merriage), not being in any relationship
- not bound by any religious vows (in the case of a transfer from another congregation - we do not say no, please let us know that you are a member of another congregation and you'd like to transfer to us)
- active, baptized (in RL), practicing RL Catholic, wishing to give his virtual life ministry to the Lord
- ability to login to SL minimum one time per weekdays
- ability to login to SL on every Sunday to take part in Sunday Mass

The priest education (kind of 'seminar') in our diocese is based on practical and active participation in the prayers, celebrations and Masses.

How does the recruitment process look?

The candidate for future priest in St. Francis Diocese sends a hand-written application with your curriculum vitae and covering letter to aux. bishop Cardinal Lareh Portal (SL name: lareh.portal) or bishop Cardinal Raphael Zimer (SL name: rafi.zimer). The letter and curriculum vitae should not be very long. Every document have to be send in NOTECARD, not IM (instant message) and signed by your SL name.

Within two days your application will be considered by bishop Zimer. You will be informed about the result immediately after its consideration (in formal letter).


1. The candidate for priest starts his priesthood formation in Novitate. It is time, when (already) novice deepens in deep prayer, closes in his reflections, meets the principles of priesthood life. 

2. After Novitate, the time comes for Diaconate. Father receive role of deacon - first of three steps in priesthood formation. Deacon is the priest helper and assistant.

3. Presbyterate. The father-presbyter has rights to fully perform services, Masses in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese. The presbyter is fully authorized to exercise functions of a priest. (presbyter = priest).

4. Bishopric. The bishop is the highest role in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese (and in Second Life). For one diocese it is able to be only one diocesan bishop (just called 'bishop'), the rest of bishops can be bishops seniors, bishops residents or auxiliary bishops.

Time of formation depends on the overall commitment of the candidate.


We hope  to receive your applications.
May God show His will.

Wedding Ceremony

Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Doors to Saint Francis Cathedral are open for every young couple. We do not perform the wedding in form of Mass, as it looks in RL, because we do not perform any sacraments, but we can organize specially for you a blessing ceremony.

The detailed form, texts, will be set in contact with ceremony celebrant.
 After Wedding Ceremony, we perform the Mass in young couple intention. The difference in ceremonies forms depends on rite - you are choosing Novus Ordo Mass (English language) or Mass in Extraordinary Form or Roman Rite (Latin language).

To learn more about Wedding Ceremony, please visit The Curia and contact with us in-world.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Liturgical Calendar for January 2014

Liturgical Calendar for January 2014

5th - The Epiphany of the Lord
12nd - The Baptism of the Lord
19th - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
26th - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Tridentine Mass)

All Sunday Masses are held at 12:00 PM SLT (Midday Second Life time) in Saint Francis Cathedral.

25th, Saturday, The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle (03:00 PM SLT in St. Francis Cathedral)

You are all welcome to our services. God with You.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Holy Mass in Second Life

Version specially prepared for Second Life needs.


The text of Mass for clergy is written in "Novus Ordo for Second Life" document.
The text of Mass for attendants, to fully take part in the liturgy, is written in "Text of the Mass for attendants - Novus Ordo for Second Life" document.

To receive them please contact with St. Francis of Assisi Diocese clergy.


Part I: General Information.
Part II: The order of the Liturgy at the virtual altar.
Part III: The devices and the decor of the church for celebration the liturgy.

+ PART I +

The text of the Mass is prepared for Second Life needs and specifications.

This document is valid and respected in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese churches in Second Life.

The main document, which includes The Holy Mystery (called Mass) rubrics is officially called "Novus Ordo for Second Life"

The text of Masses in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese churches (and main Cathedral) is in ENGLISH language.

There are three parts of the Mass taken from Real Life Roman Rite Missal:

1) The Introductory Rites.
2) The Liturgy of the Word.
3) The Concluding Rites

Part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is OMITTED.
The document additionally has three prayers taken from Eucharist part of Mass, but it does not in any way harm to serious meaning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Eucharist part of Holy Mass stays in Real Life - always and forever.

Three additionally added prayers:

1) Profession of Faith
2) Sanctus
3) Lord's Prayer



All the rubrics are taken from Real Life "Novus Ordo". The order of the liturgy is unchanged, the texts as well. Missal is modified in such a way that it does not include the whole part of the Jesus Christ body and blood transformation (The Liturgy of the Eucharist).

- The Holy Mass begins... -


Celebrant (the clergy member who leads the Mass) enters to the Altar place in the procession with organ/chants/choir accompaniment with assistants/acolytes.

which include prayers in the following order:

1) Sign of the Cross
2) Greeting
3) Penitential Act
4) Gloria
5) Collect

The most important part of Mass in Second Life is called the Liturgy of the Word. The main part of the Liturgy of the Word are readings from Scripture with accompanying sings/chants/organ music (technically played by the parcel stream: singing choir/organ music or other music instruments) 
The readings pawned a faithful table of God's word and open the Treasury of the Bible.

The Lirurgy of the Word includes services in the following order:

1) First Reading
2) Responsorial Psalm
3) Second Reading (only during Sundays, 1st class feasts or special occasions)
4) Gospel Acclamation
6) Homily

In this moment the Liturgy of the Word ends and the short part of additionally prayers begins. The rubrics are taken from Real Life Liturgy of the Eucharist, but they do NOT harm the dignity of the seriousness of Eucharist by its popularity and frequent use in daily prayer in our homes.

The prayers are performed in following order:

1) Proffession of Faith
2) General Intercessions
3) Sanctus
4) Lord's Prayer

The Mass is finishing by the part of The Concluding Rites in the following order:

1) Blessing
2) Dismissal



1) God's people gathered for Mass have a limited and hierarchical structure, which is reflected in the different functions and different activities in different parts of the liturgy. 

2) The general plan of the church building is designed that it expresses the image of gathered people, it allows preservation of good order, and facilitates the proper exercise entrusted to each function.

3) Celebrant and his assistant ministers take place in the presbytery, which is a part of the church, which enhances their functions, where celebrant leads the prayer, preaching the word of God and speaking at the virtual altar.
It expresses a hierarchical structure and a variety of functions, contributes to the production of internal and organic unity, through which clearly shows the unity of the whole people. Nature and beauty of the place and the interior of the unit should foster devotion and show the holiness of the mysteries.


The presbytery is separated from the interior of the church by raising on higher step or by a different form and decoration. Its dimensions are such that it is possible to freely make and perform the liturgical rites.


The people of God are invited to set about to the table during Mass. The altar is the center for Thanksgiving, which is fulfilled by the celebration of the liturgy.

In the church is main and constant altar, which is not adjacent to the wall, where it is easy to walk around it and celebrate the liturgy with face the people. It is set in such a place, where is the center toward which spontaneously invites the attention of the whole people gathered for Mass.


The altar is covered with at least one bright material, cloth, which in terms of form and size is adapted to the shape of the altar.

Candlesticks, which are required in various liturgical celebrations to highlight the respect of solemn character of the Mass, are placed on the altar or near it. Candles can not cover the activities carried out on the altar.

Similarly, on the altar or near, the cross is placed to be clearly visible for the gathered people.


The chair of the celebrant (priest who leads the Mass) is placed in a location that enhances his function, so it is situated at the top of the presbytery, facing the people.

In the case of the diocesan Cathedral, a place where usually is located celebran's chair, located is bishop's throne with the heraldry nearby.

In the case of the Mass with the participation of a bishop, who is not a celebrant, celebrant chair is prepared in proper and visible for people place. 

Seats for the altar assistants are placed in the presbytery, in places that allow them to fully fulfill the ministry of the liturgy.


The dignity of the Word of God requires that in the church it was proclaimed from the place, where during the Liturgy of the Word spontaneously focused attention of the faithful.

From the ambo celebrant read the reading, lessons, psalms, the message of Easter, etc. Priest also gives a homily and may say the prayer of the faithful.


Place of believers is established to clearly see the actions during the liturgy celebrated on the altar, and they may attend spiritually.

In the churches of the Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese are placed suitable benches, facing the altar.


Prepared and signed by
Eminence Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese
Archbishop of Mont Saint Bruno

Prepared with help: "Wprowadzenie do Mszału Rzymskiego" Pallottium, Poznań 1986, Poland

Version specially prepared for Second Life needs


Part I: General Information
Part II: The Order of the Liturgy

+ PART I +

The text of the Mass is prepared for Second Life needs and specifications.

This document is valid for all churches which belong to the Roman Catholic Virtual Archdiocese of Woraksan and Saint Francis of Assisi virtual Diocese.

The main document, which includes Mass rubrics is officially called "Tridentine Mass for Second Life"

The text of Masses will be in latin, with vernacular translation. In addition, the vernacular language of the gospel will be read after the reading of the gospel; the homily will be always in vernacular language. i.e. The vernacular language for our Archdiocese is Chinese and English.

There are three parts of the Mass taken from Real Life Roman Missal 1962:

1) Mass of the Catechumens
2) The Conclusion of the Mass

Mass of the Faithful, except Pater Noster, will always OMITTED.

Indeed, Eucharist is one of the holy sacraments and which always stays in Real Life.


All the rubrics are taken from Roman Missal 1962. The order of the liturgy is unchanged, the texts as well. Missal is modified in such a way that it exclude the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ.


Celebrant, the cleric who leads for the mass, enters to the foot of the altar in the procession with organ prelude with ministers. (Silence procession for Advent/Lent/Requiem)

which include prayers in the following order:

1) Sign of the Cross
2) Psalm 42
3) Confession
4) Introit
5) Kyrie
6) Gloria (omit for Advent, Lent, Requiem)
7) Collect

The most important part of Mass in Second Life is called the Instruction. The main part of the Instruction are the Epistle and Gospel with Gradual and Alleluia/Tract (technically played by the parcel stream)

The Instruction includes in the following order:

1) Epistle
2) Gradual
3) Alleluia (Tract for Advent, Lent & Requiem)
5) Homily
6) Credo

In addition, the following prayers are performed after Credo (or Homily) in the following order:

1) Pater Noster
2) Second Confiteor (only occur in Solemn High Mass / Pontifical High Mass)

The Mass is finishing by the part of The Concluding Rites in the following order:

1) Dismissal
2) Blessing
3) Last Gospel


For Solemn Mass or Pontifical High Mass, Celebrant and ministers genuflect in front of the Altar and process out of the church with organ postlude. (Silence procession for Advent/Lent/Requiem)


These prayers (all but the last appeal to the Sacred Heart) are called the "Leonine prayers" as they were added by Pope Leo XIII (A.D. 1810-1903). The appeal to the Sacred Heart was added by Pope Pius X. These prayers are for after Low Mass only.

Cardinal, Metropolitan Archbishop of Woraksan
2nd Janaury
The Year of Our Lord MMXIV


Fortescue, O'Connell & Reid (2009),  The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described, Burns and Oates/Continuum
Order of the Mass, Fish Eaters, Retrieved from:

Our services

Services performed in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

We are following RL Liturgical Calendar (version for US dioceses)
- Latin Rite -

The Sunday Service time is 12:00 PM SLT 
(midday Second Life time) in Saint Francis Cathedral

The Morning Prayer is held by Friar Casey every day at 05:30 AM SLT in Saint Francis Cathedral.

The Holy Vespers are held by Eminence Danieli Cuttita every day at 07:00 AM SLT (04:00 PM Paris time) in Saint Francis Cathedral.

About feasts which are held in other days we are inform in group notices.

Our Second Life group name: Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

The Curia

Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Vicar General of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese
Chaplain Priest of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

Permanent Deacon of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

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The Resident Clergy:

Cardinal Resident Eminence Danieli Cuttita
Presbyter Priest Thomas Ignatius
Father Brian Darling
Resident Friar Casey

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List of the sacral places in Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese:

1. Saint Francis Cathedral, Lionheart Kiara
2. The Chapel of Saint Anthony of Padua in Saint Francis Cathedral, Lionheart Kiara
3. Bishop Private Chapel of Saint Clare, The Curia, Lionheart Kiara

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The diocesan Curia is located a front of Saint Francis Cathedral. Bishop and auxiliary bishop welcome interesants in the offices. If you have any questions, or want to personally meet with bishop, please leave the IM or notecard in-world to Aux. Bishop Lareh Portal. His Eminence will set the meeting time for you.

Information about wedding's, funerals: We do NOT perform any sacraments, like wedding or funeral, priest ordination, but here is possibility to make a special service (which is not a sacrament), which will be prepared in contact with a service celebrant. Please contact with bp cardinal Raphael Zimer or aux. bp cardinal Lareh Portal to set every detail (in world). We suggest to leave letter as notecard.


Doors to Saint Francis Cathedral are open for every young couple. We do not perform the wedding in form of Mass, as it looks in RL, because we do not perform any sacraments, but we can organize specially for you a special blessing ceremony.
The form, texts will be set in contact with ceremony celebrant.
We can offer a Mass in intention of young cuple after blessing ceremony.

About Diocese

"A place to call home"

        Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese is a virtual Roman Catholic diocese in Second Life world (RP). We are in Second Life to peach the Word of God, show the form of liturgy (without Eucharistic part of  Mass). We are there to improve parishioners faith and to better understand the words of liturgy. We are using Second Life as a way to communicate with people from around the world. Contact with us in-world, visit our Saint Francis Cathedral. May God be with You!

Please remember: we are in virtual world.

Contact us:

Our places in Second Life world:
Saint Francis Cathedral (TELEPORT)
The Curia (TELEPORT)
Cathedral of Mont Saint Bruno (Antiquity)

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The Sunday Service time is 12:00 PM SLT 
(midday Second Life time) in Saint Francis Cathedral
How the Holy Mass looks? See HERE

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"Lord is the love. Let's share the love between us! Amen."