Friday, March 14, 2014

Appeal of Eucharistic Jesus

High Altar Image

The obvious meaning of the impossibility of the existence of a true body and blood of Jesus Christ in Second Life, in order to deepen our faith, we have created a special Appeal of Eucharistic Jesus image. This appeal is the pure worship of Christ, the adoration of His majesty, the acknowledgment and confirmation of faith in the true body and blood of our Savior in the real world. It is also a good way for us all to prepare for the real Eucharist in the real world.

How does Appeal of Eucharistic Jesus look in our virtual diocese?

Eucharistic Jesus image is located above High Altar, where naturally focuses attention of the gathered faithful - in the presbytery. Our image is hidden in special relic box, which is closed by automatic doors. On the door is a image of Staint Francis of Assisi at the feet of the crucified Jesus Christ.

Eucharistic Jesus image is opened for every Mass, around ten minutes before Mass begins. The service is sung only (3 parts).

Three parts of the Appeal of Eucharistic Jesus:
  1. 'Pange Lingua Gloriosi' ('Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory').
  2. Magnificat.
  3. 'Ave Verum Corpus' ('Hail, true body').

The devotion looks the same for open and close the image.

Important details: during weekdays image is opened ten minutes before Mass begins and closed immediately after Mass - if Mass is held during weekdays (Masses on weekdays in our diocese are celebrated only for special occasions or on requests). During Sunday, image is opened ten minutes before Sunday Mass begins and closed at 05:45 AM SLT on Monday (after morning prayer).

The Appeal of Eucharistic Jesus is held from Mondays to Fridays
 at 02:30 PM SLT

On every Sunday, when image stays open for whole day, we may suggest you to pray in this sacred moment:
  • Recite rosary
  • Recite Daily Office
  • Recite Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
  • Recite prayer related to Eucharist
  • Recite hymns related to Eucharist
  • or communicate with God in your own prayers.

Be blessed in Jesus Christ!

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