Saturday, April 26, 2014

Episcopal Statement about CCH and Saint Francis Catholic School

26nd April A.D. 2014

The Curia, 26nd April
Anno Domini 2014

Cum Bono Vincere Malum

             Dear beloved in Jesus Christ brothers and sisters.

        Few months ago Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese took under the diocesan wings the Conservative Catholic House (Conservative Catholic Girls group), as a leader of spiritual care of the pupils. We have also created the Saint Francis Catholic School, where young boys and girls are growing in faith and love to our Savior Jesus Christ, and Our Father the Highest Lord in Heaven.
       This school is the role-play group, which I personally respect and like the idea. The group is located in 20th century, and pupils are growing up in the old-fashioned and conservative view of the Church from 20th Century. The school is in type of boarding school.
After some time the leaders of CCH has offered me the role of official Head of the school - I accepted it with pleasure, and was always lead it without acute hand and in the democracy. My decisions are made only after suitable discussion. CCH is old-fashioned school, which means 'traditional' way of teaching, it means also the special system of punishment. The system incudles also physical punishment, which I have never accept, but tolerated because bigger part of Governors accepted it, but my role is only spiritual and symbolic Father, the representative.
My decision relates to a difference of opinion between diocese with Church and school governors. Even the fact that the group is located in 20th century and called 'conseravite' does not give permission to use evil ways of teachings like physical punishment. The duty of teachers is create the friendly environment in Christ for pupils, not cold rooms, over which hangs a whip.
The good of the pupils is the most important for me, as a director and spiritual leader in the school, and I left the application to stop the physical punishment to the governors. Unfortunately, my application has been rejected and I have been assured by governors that physical punishment will stay... with me and without me.        In this case, with huge sadness in my heart, I have to announce the offical decision:
Since today, 26th April Anno Domini 2014, Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese with me, Bishop Raphael Cardinal Zimer, stops the support the Conservative Catholic Group with Conservative Catholic House. The existence of the Saint Francis Catholic School is suspended for unknown time.
According to this fact, I would like to ask Governors of CCH to elect new head of the school.
Additionally, since today, 26th April Anno Domini 2014, Saint Francis Catholic School is not connected in any way with Conservative Catholic Group and Conservative Catholic House, the school is not part of any Role-Play group or Court, but is totally under Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese as an official part.
      In this time I am giving all the issues to our Lord in Heaven.

+ Raphael Cardinal Zimer
Bishop of Saint Francis of Assisi Diocese

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